Tag Archives: cell biology

How does your body ‘know’ it’s been infected?

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

Join Andrew Shaw and Connor Bamford – CVR postdocs – for a chat with Professor Jan Rehwinkel from the University of Oxford and MRC Human immunology unit in this recent episode of Contagious Thinking. Following Jan’s recent seminar at the CVR, he talks with the podcast about his lab’s work on understanding how our cells… Continue reading

Freezing flu filaments

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

As the Northern hemisphere approaches winter and the vaccines are in the process of being given before the annual flu season begins in earnest, the country starts to focus on these mysterious viruses that continue to infect us year on year. But if you look closely at influenza viruses, you’ll realise that there’s an awful lot we… Continue reading

How could you cure HIV?

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

The fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic has myriad weapons at its disposal, such as educational tools; cheap and effective diagnostics; and antiviral drugs used to suppress virus replication, stop disease and onward transmission, but one thing that has proven to be very difficult is curing all the people infected who are unable to eliminate the virus. The difficulty here is… Continue reading

Can proteomics help us cure virus latency?

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

In this episode we talk with Dr Mike Weekes, a clinical consultant and Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Fellow at the University of Cambridge. Mike visited the CVR a few weeks ago and gave a wonderful seminar about his lab’s work on using a technique he pioneered called ‘quantitative temporal viromics’ (which is a kind of… Continue reading

Peter O’Hare & herpesviruses – meet the expert

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

This post is the second in a series of ‘meet the expert’ articles about worldwide investigators working in virology research. These posts are written by the CVR students and researchers and are designed to educate, engage with and inform the public and fellow scientists about who we are and what are our motivations. Joanna Morrell, Ph.D. student in… Continue reading