The CVR at Glasgow Science Festival 2016: exploring biological structure and innovation through viruses

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

In a world obsessed with the deadly nature of viruses, join us in a celebration of the beauty of their biological structure. Glasgow is a fascinating place to live, with awesome architecture and design emerging from the dramatic Scottish landscape. Although invisibly small, viruses also produce strikingly beautiful structures, constructed from the local materials of our own bodies. In an evolutionarily-inspired tribute to Scotland’s year of Innovation, Architecture and Design, scientists from the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research will show how order, structure and architecture emerge not only through our own designs but as a fundamental property of life on earth.


By focussing on different aspects of viruses we will drill down through different levels of biological structure and organisation, from ecosystems to animals and from cells to molecules. As well as considering the impact viruses have on human and animal health, we hope that viruses, some of the most ancient and rapidly-evolving entities on earth, can highlight how evolution shapes the most extraordinary architecture around us, though on a scale far too small for us to see.

2883024203-1This latest ‘Bugs in the pub’ event is part of the 2016 Glasgow Science Festival and is supported by the Microbiology Society, following the success of last year’s similar microTALKs event. It will be held in the Admiral Bar on Waterloo St, Glasgow, on Thursday 16th June 2016 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm (doors at 6:30 pm). Entry is free but ticketed through Eventbrite. You can find out more information about the festival here.