Tag Archives: Meet the expert

Beatrice Hahn – The 2016 Sir Michael Stoker Award Winner

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

In this episode of the Contagious Thinking podcast, Joanna and Yasmin speak with Professor Beatrice Hahn following on from her Sir Michael Stoker prize award last year. Every year (it’s happening as we speak!) the CVR holds an exciting competition called the “Sir Michael Stoker Award”. This prize is unique in that the winner is… Continue reading

Meet some of our new contributors (3)

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

As part of a new series of posts from CVR staff and students about their work, CVR final year PhD student Alice Coburn, writes about her research in the Murcia lab on influenza virus cross-species transmission. If you would like more information on the work of the Murcia lab on influenza, check out these publications on comparing horse and… Continue reading

Freezing flu filaments

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

As the Northern hemisphere approaches winter and the vaccines are in the process of being given before the annual flu season begins in earnest, the country starts to focus on these mysterious viruses that continue to infect us year on year. But if you look closely at influenza viruses, you’ll realise that there’s an awful lot we… Continue reading

Steve Goodbourn ….and a world full of chickens and their viruses

 Professor Steve Goodbourn, from St George’s, University of London, talks with PhD students Joanna Morrell and Yasmin Parr about his his work on unravelling the biochemical mysteries of how viruses unravel the innate immune system of their hosts. Steve’s work has been integral to our understanding of how some of the most dangerous viruses can infect… Continue reading

Meet the expert: Wendy Barclay

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

This post is the third in a series of ‘meet the expert’ articles about worldwide investigators working in virology research. These posts are written by the CVR bloggers and are designed to educate, engage with, and inform the public and fellow scientists about who scientists are and what are our motivations. Joanna Morrell, Ph.D. student… Continue reading