Beatrice Hahn – The 2016 Sir Michael Stoker Award Winner

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

In this episode of the Contagious Thinking podcast, Joanna and Yasmin speak with Professor Beatrice Hahn following on from her Sir Michael Stoker prize award last year. Every year (it’s happening as we speak!) the CVR holds an exciting competition called the “Sir Michael Stoker Award”. This prize is unique in that the winner is… Continue reading

Meet some of our new contributors (3)

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

As part of a new series of posts from CVR staff and students about their work, CVR final year PhD student Alice Coburn, writes about her research in the Murcia lab on influenza virus cross-species transmission. If you would like more information on the work of the Murcia lab on influenza, check out these publications on comparing horse and… Continue reading

Viral pseudotypes – tools of mass eradication?

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

  Find out more about Morbilliviruses and the research involving them at the CVR, in this latest episode of the Contagious Thinking podcast brought to you by the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR). Here, Joanna Crispell and Yasmin Parr talk to Dr Brian Willett – Professor of Viral Immunology at the CVR.… Continue reading

Meet some of our new contributors (2)

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

As part of a new series of posts from CVR staff and students about their work, CVR postdoc Chris Syme, writes about his research in the Bhella lab on the structural biology of viruses like Zika virus using a diverse array of imaging techniques. If you would like to hear more about one of the techniques Chris writes about… Continue reading

Meet some of our new contributors (1)

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

In this post, CVR PhD students Steph, Yasmin and Weronika, briefly write about their research (Zika pathogenesis, cat retroviruses and new HepC diagnostics) and the groups that they belong to, as part of a short series of articles from new Contagious Thinking contributors (check the whole team out here). Contagious Thinking serves to communicate the… Continue reading

Thanks for a wonderful 2016 on Contagious Thinking!

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

What a year…. 16 blog posts; 12 podcasts (5 external, 7 internal); 1 PI-led post (Thanks Ed and Dave!); 21 people interviewed; 7 contributors; an undergraduate student, 1,155 listeners and 5,148 blog views; 16 photos on Instagram;  7 videos on Youtube Thank you! Hi everyone. 2016 was a fantastic year for Contagious Thinking and our team,… Continue reading

Can virologists combat antibiotic resistance?

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

    If you listened to this episode of Contagious Thinking, and have a couple of minutes to spare, please fill in this questionnaire about the podcast;   When bacteria ruled the world   Antibiotics don’t resolve viral infections. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that research in virology can’t impact antibiotic resistance, a problem… Continue reading

How the CVR is tackling HIV and AIDS

Published on: Author: the CVR science blog editors

  *** Please fill in this questionnaire about the podcast and how it can be improved in the future.…/viewform?c=0&w=1 *** Is HIV and AIDS still important? Every year, the first of December marks World AIDS day (history here). AIDS, or acquired deficiency syndrome , is a serious viral disease that results from infection with Human Immunodeficiency… Continue reading